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Cast & Creators

Valentine Bordet

Ning Chou

Melanie Gautier

Emily George

Amanda Kamanda

Francesca Kos

Pilar Morales Pérez

Sally Plowman

John Quan

Kieran Saikat Das Gupta

Tony Towell

Harper Walton

Kim Way

Ting-Ning Wen

Anna Fill 


Jason Tang - Writer & Researcher

Amy Kingsmill - 'Fallen' - Performance Art Installation

Zell Couver- Live Music  - Violin 

Nikki McFarland - Assistant Production

The Collective for this project

Rocío Ayllón - Artistic Director & Producer 

Ting-Ning Wen - Assistant Director & Choreographer

Georgia Rowan - Choreographer

Abbie Adams - Creative Producer 

Yagoda Sovinska - Producer, Photography, Props & Costumes

Emma LD - Graphic Design & Props / Art Direction

Emily George - Concept, Photography & Graphic Design

for 'The Village' Poster

Jack Wates - Art Installation / Set Design

Jakub Nowacki - Costume Designer


Lighting Design Team 

Satu Streatfield - Lighting Design Director & Labs Facilitator

Anna Fil - Lighting Designer

Shu - Ang, Yeh - Lighting Designer

Steve Lowe - Lighting Technician 

Sound Design Team 

Jose Macabra - Sound Designer Director & Labs Facilitator

Enrico Lovatin - Sound Designer

Vit Trojanovsky - TROJΛNOVSKX - Sound Designer

Art Installation Production Team

Jack Wates - Designer & Constructor

Marcel Croxson

Alex Mead

Josh Richards


Sound Design Assistants

Zell Couver

Shutting Cui

Jovienne Jin

Haein Kim

Ella Macfarlane

Artem Spivak

Lily Tiger Tonkin Wells

Film LOVE+ project

Olga Lagun - Cinematographer 

Sinan Kinch - Filmmaker

Special Thanks to: 

Rebecca Marcus Monks  - The Koppel Project

Tony Shrimplin  - Museum of Soho 

Daniel and Ashanti - We are Cuts

Cindy and Stephan - The French Protestant Church 

Tim Lord and Joel Levack - Soho Society

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