The Village - Site-Specific, Immersive Theatre in Soho & Chinatown
The Village was a multi-location immersive theatre piece devised and staged by Persona Collective inside Soho & Chinatown. The live shows took place from 30th March until 19th April 2023. This project celebrates the diversity & tolerance of Soho’s local community & indie businesses with a narrative based on real voices and in real unique locations in the local area. This projects was supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England
The audience found themselves stepping into an intimate journey across multiple secret locations throughout Soho & Chinatown; weaving through hidden passageways. Their journey was a multi-sensory experience - somewhere between fiction and reality. Each group of audience were following one character’s story, whilst witnessing threads of multiple narratives throughout their journey. Audience members described the experience as “being immersed inside of a film” or as “hyper-real, it was never clear whether something was reality or an artistic construct”.
Through out the project we worked closely with the LGBTQ+ communities and Soho’s local businesses & residents. Together we co-created a multi-location immersive theatre & build a set/installation in a gallery, all in Soho.
Since December 2022, the collective were running a series of free workshops with the members of the community and surroundings through the community programme called LOVE+ project. Participants from PERFORMANCE+ had the opportunity to learn how to act, dance and get ready to perform in front of an audience, while the other group of participants from DESIGN+ were learning to design the lighting and sound as part of the live show.

(...) The colourful contrasts remind us of of Hitchcock when the intermittent flashing lights are in perfect sync with the actors’ movements (...) The show is not only screaming David Lynch’s imagery and atmospheres, you are inside them!
- Marcela Iriarte Villalobos
"The experience was something between watching a fragmented movie, being in a haunted house, and being in touch with your memories all at once, as the story that was being told was not in chronological order. The interactive way that we walked through the building added an extra element of voyeurism..."

"Persona Collective immersive theatre shows, are the most prolific and ambitious projects I have come across in the past few years. 'The Candidate' , 'The Halfway House' & 'The Village' are undeniably pushing the boundaries of experimentation, constantly questioning what live performance means today. Their scenarios are visually and conceptually curated to the minimum detail, and yet they leave space to the audiences to be part of it. I truly believe Persona Collective artistic research will have a big impact on the theatre community and beyond." - Marcela Iriarte Villa Lobos
Documentation The Village

Photos & Sketch concept - 'Peep-Show' installation by Jack Wates at The Koppel X, 48 Piccadilly Circus.
Cast & Creators
Valentine Bordet
Ning Chou
Melanie Gautier
Emily George
Amanda Kamanda
Francesca Kos
Pilar Morales Pérez
Sally Plowman
John Quan
Kieran Saikat Das Gupta
Tony Towell
Harper Walton
Kim Way
Ting-Ning Wen
Anna Fill
Amy Kingsmill - 'Fallen' - Performance Art
Zell Couver- Live Music - Violin
Tony Shrimplin
Jason Tang - Writer & Researcher
Nikki McFarland - Assistant Production
The Collective for this project
Rocío Ayllón - Artistic Director & Producer
Ting-Ning Wen - Assistant Director & Choreographer
Georgia Rowan - Choreographer
Abbie Adams - Creative Producer
Yagoda Sovinska - Producer, Photography, Props & Costumes
Emily George - Concept Art, Photography & Graphic Design
Emma LD - Graphic Design & Props / Art Direction
Jack Wates - Art Installation / Set Design
Jakub Nowacki - Costume Designer
Lighting Design Team
Satu Streatfield - Lighting Design Director & Labs Facilitator
Anna Fil - Lighting Designer
Shu - Ang, Yeh - Lighting Designer
Steve Lowe - Lighting Technician
Sound Design Team
Jose Macabra - Sound Designer Director & Labs Facilitator
Finn Boxer - Sound Designer
Enrico Lovatin - Sound Designer
Vit Trojanovsky - TROJΛNOVSKX - Sound Designer
Art Installation Production Team
Jack Wates - Designer & Constructor
Marcel Croxson
Alex Mead
Josh Richards
Sound Design Assistants (Design Labs students)
Zell Couver
Shutting Cui
Jovienne Jin
Haein Kim
Ella Macfarlane
Artem Spivak
Lily Tiger Tonkin Wells
Video & photo documentation
Olga Lagun - Cinematographer
Edmund Fraser - Photographer
Chaperones - routes guides
Vanya Gostev
Nikki McFarland
Special Thanks to:
Rebecca Marcus Monks - The Koppel Project Tony Shrimplin - Museum of Soho Sami Sabik - Electronic engineer
Cindy and Stephan - The French Protestant Church Tim Lord and Joel Levack - Soho Society Paul Simon - Enliten Architectural Lighting
Daniel and Ashanti - We are Cuts